Thursday, August 6, 2009


Yahoo baby boo I think I got the swine flu. If anything, you can hate me for the sik rhymes.

Nah like my student has it and he told me AFTER I marked his paper with all the germs lurking aaaaaalll over there looking at me and going, “give him an A or else!”

I’m told if I get the fever in two days I should go get checked for the oink, I meant swine, flu. I’m also told I could get quarantined until I get better in case I do have it. Can a girl get a breakkkk, I can't vacation in a hospitttttttal: girl got planz. sheeesh!

PS: me needs to put a wholesome “F” on the boy’s paper you know what I’m sayinnnnn :-)



Tauqeer said...

hahahah....hopefully ur safe!

Unknown said...

o man, that sucks. take care, inshaAllah. Take anything that helps with immune system......

inshaAllah khayr...

Hicham said...

I wish everything will be fine, incha'allah khair and keep us updated. Nevertheless, he better get that F :P