Thursday, June 4, 2009


Yesterday was an open mic poetry reading. A bunch of professors, teachers, instructors, poets, writers, artists, students too, come together at a cafe to read their creative writing.

An hour before this, I took something from this blog. I read it to one of my friends. Performed it. The one titled "Perfect Strangers - part six". I did the "little kid voice" and then the adult narrator. It kinda sounds like I'm acting.

So my friend really liked it. She said I should read it at the open mic.

We went. She read her stuff then asked me to read mine. I didn't .... I didn't read it. I don't know why ... could it be that I'm shy? afraid? maybe I'm not comfortable talking about personal stuff to a pack of strangers .... but then, you guys are strangers reading my stuff :-) ... not that I have a problem with that at all. On the contrary, I feel close to you guys even though I don't know you ...

A colleague who was there told me, "maybe you weren't feeling it. Don't be harsh on yourself".... it's weird... and I thought I liked attention :-).... why did I not pick up that mic? ...blah....



Tauqeer said...

hehe its okay , you dont really have to! said...

Salams Tauqeer:

Yeah, you're right.... though something in me wanted to ...