Monday, September 28, 2009

It's My Another Chance at LIfe Day!

Next week is my Birthday! And she giggles like a little girl :-). With respect to all those who do not celebrate Birthdays, I take this day as an occasion to re-evaluate myself and all I've been and become. Can I ask you for a favor please :-) I want a present, and this is it:

Tell me one thing you've noticed about me from this blog, good or bad.



Faith said...

HAAAAPPPPPPY Birthday sweetie
Here is what I know about you from reading your posts and it's the whole truth :)
1- You’re, mashalla, so mature for your age I’m jealous. I know how old you are and still feel you have grown wise very fast, true? I’ve seen few of your youtupe clips and that’s all what I felt while listening to your narration “she’s so mature” don’t ask me why I’ve just felt it and seen it through your words.
2- I LOVe the way you talk about your family may God protect you all ya rab.
to you.. family ALWAYS comes first.
3- I’m new to your blog and have no clue why you called your self quest for the right one ;D your posts have nothing to do with that topic lol maybe I need to read your old posts?

Sorry, I know you said one thing but I just went crazy there ;D

Inshalla all your dreams come true in this new year of your life :*

Sweet Escape said...

Happy Birthday! From Your posts I notice you to be an upbeat, strong, motivated person :)MashaAllah.

Jaz said...

Happy Birthday!!

First thing - I love your blog.

1 - You're a great writer

2 - You're very insightful mashallah

3 - It seems like you like to 'mull things over' and weigh up each situation.

Hajar Zamzam Ismail said...

Happy Birthday!
I have noticed that you are a very reflective person. Masha Allah. Thinking and reflecting, the way you do, are things that bring us closer to Allah. Insha Allah, I wish for you that you will feel His closeness for your Birthday, and until the next Birthday. Big hugs!

BintKhalil said...

Assalamu alaikum

You have a great deal of empathy, but at the same time you have the ability to look at the bigger picture (from the way you talk about the Palestinian refugees).

Anonymous said...

New to ur blog, but by the name:QUEST FOR THE RIGHT ONE- i think u are waiting for the right husband,am i right? Where are u living?wats ur nationality/origin? Can i find u a good muslim husband from my country,SOUTH AFRICA?

Sparkle said...




I'm not going to count the fact that I think you ask too much of us here ROFL!!

But the one thing I managed to filter out of all the stuff that seemed to emblazon itself inside me... is that I get this strange but beautifully overwhelming feeling that you're as close to me as any of my sisters could have been... or even my best friend whom I've known for years!

I swear to God, I feel so much relaxed whenever there's any means of contact between us... and I'm trully blessed to have you around me...

Happy Birthday party girl... wish I could rock your life with you on your special day... HAVE FUN!! ^_^

Sparkle xxx

Hijabis On Ranting Tour. said...

i love your blog
i think your very interesting
and reflective person
i also love that your a journalist/teacher and a great writer
take care

S K said...

Happy Birthday! :D I'm new to your blog so I haven't had a chance to get to know you too well but I like the fact that you write from your heart. May Allah keep you happy and help you in your quest for the right one. Ameen. :)

Everyday Muslimah said...

Assalam u alaikum!

Happy belated birthday!!

I love your honesty and reflections through your blog.

I also love your title...but I don't see many post's on your title. ;)

Anonymous said...

It was rather interesting for me to read that blog. Thanx for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more on that blog soon.